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Biden ordnet Verschlüsselung von E-Mail, DNS und BGP an
Gepostet in heise Security @heise-security-heiseonline
Biden orders encryption of e-mail, DNS and BGP
Posted into English articles @english-articles-heiseonline
I see the fear and dread from folks in all of my social feeds. Fedi, BS and even corporate social.
My suggestion is this: Make something.
If you can’t make something - fix something.
If you can’t fix something - rest.
Be kind to yourself. If you have “extra” in the tank, help someone else.
It’s the only way to outlast this rise of bullshit that’s going on.
Mike Masnick has written a long but vitally important piece about the context of Zuckerberg's deceit-ridden conversation with Joe Rogan.
Zuckerberg is a political actor, not just a business oligarch, supporting right-wing extremism. Do not for a moment think otherwise.
I hope your Trump-Facebook-Foundation does know a bit about the identity, the codes and codizes of the fediverse.
You will not destroy that either!
strong protest about your collaboration with fascists.
I hope your Trump-Facebook-Foundation does know a bit about the identity, the codes and codizes of the fediverse.
You will not destroy that either!
strong protest about your collaboration with fascists.
Hello @mallory
your strange "foundation" never answered our questions re.
The W3C will talk about other consequences apart from the formal EU DMA process in a Policy Breakfast at fosdem.
It is the same when Musk censored mastodon and it might be pretty expensive and I am pretty sure, you will not be able to destroy the fediverse.
Please consider also that there are laws in the EU at all.
So, if you do not want your "foundation" to become illegal in the EU, make your legal type clear in the imprint and when asking for donations.
The EU Commission will use the postal address given in the imprint.
/ @matt