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Zbigniew 'Emill' Pławecki ♿️🎮 boosted

#Poland volunteer in #Ukraine single-handedly holding a bloody 2 kW Bluetting power station which I had to carry around with two hands as it’s ~40 kg minimum 🤦 The power station was 100% crowd funded here on Fediverse, so big thank you to the donors - you know who you are 🙏


@lightweight What I’d like to attempt if I was still employed as a publishing executive and had a budget would be to build a news site with a full interactive comment system, but spend money managing it properly.

On site this would be carefully edited by experienced editors, policed for defamation, racism etc, fact checked and so on but it could link out to a wider audience using activitypub or similar. Would be great also for news leads, breaking stories and so on.

Christian Schwägerl boosted

+++ An dieser Stelle einmal mehr unsere nachdrückliche Empfehlung: Bitte in der Nacht auf Sonntag nicht - wir wiederholen: nicht - die Zeit umstellen, sondern nur die Uhren. Wie schon oft angemerkt kann es sonst zu Rissen im Raumzeit-Kontinuum kommen. +++