Verified Journalists
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Infrastructure geek. Award-winning journalist. Full-stack developer. Pro-democracy.
Eats, shoots and leaves.
Journalist, SPIEGEL-Bestseller-Autor, Vortragsredner und Moderator
journalist | advisor for The West Brook Times | ENFP. 4w5. ♍️☀️♍️🌙♒️⬆️ | BlueSky: eleanor.k.skelton(at)gmail(dot)com
Wir sind die "Fakten-Jünger" vom Anti-Fake-News-Blog Volksverpetzer. Ihr findet hier Faktenchecks & Analysen von Diskursen. Wir existieren nur Dank 100% Crowdfunding und sind völlig unabhängig.
#esport, #podróże, #F1, #NASCAR #fotografia, #PilkaNozna, #muzyka, #imprezy
#giereczkowo dla
Toots mostly in polish
Writer of programming books and absurdist fiction. Enthusiastic amateur musician, painter and winemaker.
Recent projects:
Microsoft Copilot For Dummies (February 2025)
Coding with AI For Dummies (March 2024)
Music For Losers (novel, Fall 2023)
JavaScript All-In-One For Dummies (May 2023)
Mastodon For Dummies (February 15, 2023)
Coding All In One For Dummies
ReactJS Foundations
#writing #javascript #fiction #winemaking #ai #fordummies #reactjs #author #oregon #michigan #coding #dev #baking
Online-Nervensäge at large, Tagesspiegel-Redaktion. Und schreibe hin und wieder Berlinhistorisches: Interessiert an jedem Stein, jedem Grashalm. Porträtfoto: Nassim Rad.
Journalist på Sydsvenskan i Lund.
Här i egenskap av mig själv.
Senaste boken:
Landet som vaknade – berättelser från Ukraina.
Joskus suomeksikin.
Kinda retired, but not very good at it. Freelance tech columnist for the Houston Chronicle. Many hats: Editor, site manager, reporter, teacher, amateur actor, project manager. Doing some media consulting & helping others buy their tech. Still a pizza lover, aspiring cat lady.
I live in Houston. It's worth it.
Medizinjournalistin. Frei. Medizin. Ethik. Gesundheit.
Lebt in #Marburg. Schwärmt von #London #Literatur und #Yoga. Liebt britischen #Humor und mag menschliche Macken. Steht auf #Realsatire und sitzt oft zwischen allen Stühlen.
Ich verteile hier viele Tröts meiner Herzensprojekte @riffreporter und @Krautreporter
Verfallsdatum Tröts: 4 Wochen
Investigative journo turned researcher, PhDing at Tampere University.
Researching social media for Science Po, Princeton and Columbia University's joint project – Muslims in India.
Ex journalist fellow of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Oxford University, and ex India editor of AFP Factcheck.
📚#Misinformation #Disinformation #HateSpeech #Violence #OSINT #MediaLiteracy #Factcheck #Gamification
🤝#Commondon #MediaStudies #Journalism #CommScholars #PolComm
Local democracy reporter #LDreporter for #Brighton and #Hove covering democratically accountable organisations for the majority of #news media in the city.
Weekly bylines in Brighton and Hove News, The Argus, BBC Sussex.
Regular contributor to Disunited Kingdom on Times Radio.
Interested in ancestry and history, music with loud guitars and beeping noises. Brighton native with Humphrey and Gillam ancestors. Also Plantagenet.
Award-winning Climate and Food Systems Journalist. Managing Editor of Sentient Media.
Madrileiro. Niño repelente desde 1981. Доверяй, но проверяй. Ceci n'est pas una cuenta profesional. A veces hago experimentos. Solo hay una forma de averiguarlo. In the mood for some lovin'. Searchable.
Tech journalist, jurist, squash player.
Reporting from North America for
All rights reserved. Searchable
PS: It's THE Yukon, cheechako.