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JonChevreau boosted

Michelle Obama: "Kamala, she's putting herself out there. Fearlessly facing down even her harshest critics. She's seeking out Republicans to find common ground. And unlike her opponent, she's not ducking interviews or cowering in safe spaces only with fawning audiences. No, she's showing us what a sane, stable leader looks like. She's not losing her train of thought or stumbling over her words."

JonChevreau boosted


#Michigan is home to one of the largest #Arab & #Muslim populations in the #US, & the voting blocs have suggested many will withhold their votes for the Democratic candidate in protest over the #UnitedStates support of #Israel.

#Trump spoke to #Netanyahu just yesterday & told him ‘Do what you have to do’

Last night Netanyahu bombed #Tehran.

The Biden admin has supported Israel, but has always placed conditions on that support.

Trump would never counsel restraint.


JonChevreau boosted

Michelle Obama: "Kamala Harris is a grown up. And Lord knows we need a grown up in the White House. Someone with the maturity and fresh ideas to keep moving our country forward. Kamala is the only candidate — the only candidate in this race — who has outlined a clear set of policies."