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Jack Yan (甄爵恩) boosted

Everyone should read -- and think hard about -- Rick Perlstein's latest commentary.

He poses a series of ugly hypotheticals that could easily come true in a new Trump administration.

And he asks, "What will you do?"

If the worst happens in this election, we ALL should be preparing to answer this question.

Because our answers will be decisions -- to be collaborators in fascism, or members of the resistance. There can be no middle ground.

JonChevreau boosted


[Gift Article] Once Top Advisers to Trump, They Now Call Him ‘Liar,’ ‘Fascist’ and ‘Unfit’

"Former President Donald J. Trump often brags about hiring “the best people.” But the breadth of the criticism aimed at Mr. Trump, especially from his own former military and national security officials, sets him apart from any modern president."