The hamster, the wig and the cupboard:- Northern customers report more than 32,600 items of lost property: A prosthetic leg, a hamster without a cage and a wig are just some of the things customers have left behind on Northern services.
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MacPaw goes after #MDM with CleanMy Mac Business
Interesting take on Apple device management - If any #MacAdmins are trying this, I'd love to hear thoughts.
"Many traditional MDM tools run silently on devices, leaving users unaware of what actions admins could be taking on their device - CMM Business takes a different approach — it operates quietly in the background, but users can see any tasks or actions that administrators initiate."
@Mateusz jestes na nim, dorzuc sie adminowi do kawy 😜
An den Grünen kann man beobachten, dass der Weg zur Volkspartei auch bedeutet, die eigenen Ideale zu verraten. Heute auf der Speisekarte: Mehr Überwachung und Repression.
A look back at the news and issues that captivated the philosophy world in 2024...
So you've listened to Lift your skinny fists a gazillion times, and know it by heart at this point
'tis valid. 'tis a good album
what if I told you
you can listen to it for the first time again?
behold, the beauty and magic of original bootlegs
No one paid attention, like Democrats mainly, to the rise in Federalist Society judge appointments except Mitch McConnel and his cronies as he was appointing them to power en masse.
As a Canadian, I'm starting to understand how Poland must of felt after the 1933 German elections. :blobcatglance:
PS. I should also mention that my data shows clear evidence of algorithmic changes on Facebook (Fall 2018), X (Fall 2022 and ongoing) and now Threads (Nov 2024) explicitly downweighting climate content.
In Aug 2018, 'clean energy' was added to FB's "socially sensitive topics" list, and my page's growth was cut in half. A few months later, 'climate change' was added. My page growth froze at 46k then decreased, and my engagement dropped about 10x.
Now, changes in the Threads algorithm made in November have similarly frozen my Threads account and tanked engagement there as well. Here's the data below.
For more on how X's changes have boosted denial, read @ketan's analysis here:
The #BrokenPost is hardly better. "Military coercion." AKA invasion. War. "Expansionist endpoint." AKA totalitarianism. Fascism.