@bfaliszek nie no, PO celuje raczej w taki nieco mlodszy elektorat (tak 10-20 lat mlodszy), a Lewica i jej rozne odnogi i przystawki :kappa: to juz w ogole moglaby sie wykazac :troll_face:
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@bfaliszek obowiazkowe badania do prawa jazdy od 60 roku zycia when?
@Mateusz - poprosiłem AI o dowcip nawiązujący do Twojego tekstu, macie:
Dlaczego sztuczna inteligencja jest jak dowcipy wujka na imieninach?
Bo czasem trafia w sedno, ale częściej wszyscy siedzą w ciszy, zastanawiając się, co tu się właściwie stało. 😆
Raum2 mit neuem Vorstand – und neuen Ideen
Beim Kulturverein läuft ein Generationswechsel – und das gleich in mehrfacher Hinsicht
#FunFact - kabel dolaczony do jednego z padow #Elite #XboxaSeriesX obsluguje #TurboCharge od #Xiaomi 😂
Calling all #BostonMA #pollWorkers!
I have once again produced a compact version of the book that tells you the correct precinct for all the streets at your polling place, so you can point people at the correct check-in table. Instead of flipping through many pages, all the same information is on just 2! For example, below shows the polling place where I work.
#Boston #pollWorker @universalhub
Marietta-based Georgia Symphony Orchestra will hold a sensory-friendly concert on November 9, 2024 at Wheeler High School #CobbCounty #Music #SensoryFriendly
More than 1,000 authors, including winners of the Nobel Prize, Booker Prize, Pulitzer Prize, and National Book Award have launched a mass boycott of Israeli publishers complicit in the dispossession of the Palestinian people.
This is the largest cultural boycott against Israeli institutions in history.
Statement: https://www.palfest.org/refusing-complicity #Gaza #Palestine #BDS 🍉
"What we're seeing in Spain is devastating.
My thoughts are with the victims, their families and the rescue teams.
The EU has already offered support.
Copernicus has been activated.
The #EUCivilProtection can be mobilised.
Europa está lista para ayudar"
I don't understand why you would deploy something that looks like an information retrieval tool, but simply invents things when it doesn't know the answer.
No one would design a database system that returned random data if a query failed to match any records. (Except perhaps in a specialized application such as a game).
The argument “but it gets it right MOST of the time" cuts no ice. That actually makes it WORSE, because it's harder to tell when the robot is fabricating answers.