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Universal Hub boosted

Calling all #BostonMA #pollWorkers!
I have once again produced a compact version of the book that tells you the correct precinct for all the streets at your polling place, so you can point people at the correct check-in table. Instead of flipping through many pages, all the same information is on just 2! For example, below shows the polling place where I work.
#Boston #pollWorker @universalhub

Paul Shread boosted

I don't understand why you would deploy something that looks like an information retrieval tool, but simply invents things when it doesn't know the answer.

No one would design a database system that returned random data if a query failed to match any records. (Except perhaps in a specialized application such as a game).

The argument “but it gets it right MOST of the time" cuts no ice. That actually makes it WORSE, because it's harder to tell when the robot is fabricating answers.
