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Freeland perfect fit for Liberal leader, two Winnipeg MPs say
@tradecraft That would seem to undermine the entire concept of ActivityPub Federation. It’s not because encourages journalism and news and not everyone likes that?
Los Angeles landlords are raising rents by as much as 124% after the wildfires. The real looters are the ruling class.
@davidtoddmccarty I’m guessing it’s a compatability issue since newsie isn’t devoted to images, but I have no idea.
Die Ermächtigung der Faschisten ist bereits in vollem Gange: Die Wagenknechte und die Kretschmer-CDU wählen in Sachsen einen Faschisten ins Aufsichtsgremium des Verfassungsschutzes. Ein Brandstifter in der Feuerwehr! 🔥
well, I hope that this is still @redchrision (Paris)
If I stopped using all the goods and services everyone on here told me to boycott, I’d end up living in a cave somewhere eating squirrels.
@MikeMorris Creepy. I tried getting ChatGPT to write like me but it was hopeless. The whole output was a generic mess. Though maybe that is a reflection on me, which makes it more depressing. You must have a more distinctive writing style.