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I forgot to mention that anything screenshotted is fresh / HTML & CSS only

So, it just needs two extra things in any UI to support multiple items anywhere:

If you have multiple `type` and want to visualize them distinct have some "icon checkboxes" with
.item:has(.xy:checked) or .xy:checked + .item according to the structure …
(screenshot 1)

For all other properties, if you are not in a 1-column-scroll-context or need a fixed height / ratio, it is then just an arrow on the left and right.
The arrows are labels.
CSS translate-X-es anything, the content in an animated way and the arrow labels immediately so it is just CSS.

Super benefit:
We see a Link in e.g. the describes property which is another LD-item, we can check all alternate, languages and other relations
(wikidata in the example, gif screenshot 2 [old, meanwhile nicely styled])

lorax b. horne  🍉 boosted

Eight members of the Israeli Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee yesterday demanded Defence Minister, Israel Katz, instruct the Israeli occupation army to “destroy all water, food and energy sources in the Gaza Strip to achieve the war goals”, Haaretz reported.

The lawmakers claimed “the Israeli military’s operations were failing to achieve the political objectives set for the war.”

🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine


lorax b. horne  🍉 boosted

Germany clearly does not want to fulfil its obligations as a signatory to the ICC’s Rome Statute, nor does it want to call the well-documented genocide of the Palestinian people what it is.

The German government never expected the ICC to reach this verdict, and seeing that the court no longer operates solely as an instrument of western interests, the state is squirming to find a way out.

🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

Korallenherz boosted

#bibliothek #fedihelp Hab Anfrage erhalten:
"Ein Bekannter muss sein Beratungsbüro aus Altersgründen aufgeben und sucht eine neue Heimat für seine Bibliothek aus über 400 dt. Fachbüchern zum Thema Mobbing. Die Bücher könnten gut in eine Mobbing-Beratung oder eine psychologische Fachbibliothek passen. Die Bücher sind kostenlos zur Abgabe an eine vertrauenswürdige Person oder Organisation, Transport wird organisiert. Ideen oder Vorschläge, wer die Bücher brauchen könnte?"

Gerne auch boosten!