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JonChevreau boosted

Via Kyle Griffin:

Liz #Cheney is calling on George W. #Bush to speak out about the election.
"He has been absolutely, I would say, as concerned for maybe even longer than I have been about the danger that Donald #Trump poses, and I can't explain why George W. Bush hasn't spoken out, but I think it's time, and I wish that he would," Cheney said on The New Yorker's Radio Hour podcast.

"While there are several grant programs (like those offered via the Inflation Reduction Act) that provide nondilutive funding for startups, Rebecca Gevalt, who used to work at the CIA, says she advises companies to go after contracts instead. 'The real key is, how do you figure out a repeatable way to get government revenue so that it can be a core part of your business?' Gevalt said": How national interest startups should be thinking about government contracts

JonChevreau boosted

When Trump says he’s going to ‘protect’ women, he means ‘control’ them | Arwa Mahdawi

Rights we have taken for granted can, as we saw with the overturning of Roe v Wade, be suddenly yanked away“Hello, I’d like a line of credit, please.” Continue reading... #press


JonChevreau boosted

Hey folks,

I'm looking to fill a few hours a week building websites on a contract/part-time basis.

I've been doing this for 20 years for both big and small companies (ones you may recognize are WebMD and Rakuten). My current expertise is in React/Next.js/Node/Mongo and web interface design.

I'm in Canada.

Any advice or references are greatly appreciated!
