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Nat boosted

Utterly shameful behaviour at the US National Archives as anything remotely confronting to white Americans seems to be being purged from the public national record. Whitewashing history is a shockingly regressive step.

To clarify this, we're talking public display and education. As far as I know, they're not removing items from the archives themselves, although if Trump wins that level of cultural vandalism wouldn't surprise me.

JonChevreau boosted

@TonyStark @BassRck65 @Utah44
Oh yeah, I saw something the other day for those Department of Justice Biden bashers crying about Trump and his cronies not being in jail already.

Remember how proud they were to compare Brazil's legal to tools to address J8 to the ones available to us to prosecute J6?

Well, in a case of a politician getting murdered by corrupt police six (6) years ago convictions finally happened this week.