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Getting riders back in the saddle
The Art of Silence: How Koudelka Inspired My New Philosophy
Shooting for Yourself vs shooting for money. :-)
Today Mastodon is taking another step towards its founding ideals: independence and non-profit ownership. We're transferring ownership of key assets to a new, European not-for-profit entity, ensuring our mission remains true to a decentralised social web, not corporate control. #MastodonNonProfit
The Cobb County Courier's Dog of the Day, selected from the Cobb Animal Services Shelter website, is a female brindle pit bull named Bailey #CobbCounty #dogsofmastodon #dogs
@nzdjb I like to think this is just part and parcel of being a responsible netizen, like collecting rubbish off a beach after you’ve been, even when it’s not your rubbish. These people owe me a ton of money for using my name, frankly …
When everyone else was gone, the very last user of #Twitter (see image below) protocolled carefully his last words into the platform's logbook: Debate me, you losers!
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#catsofmastodon #becausecat #tricolor #cats