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@BobLefridge @JimmyKip @Salty @leighelse This... and, the person concerned doesn't get to decide if they are still a person of public interest. That's down to the public.

If there was clearly no public interest (legitimate or otherwise), news editors would drop the story immediately. These days they can count the clicks. When those clicks stop, the stories stop.

If a former MP really wants to stay out of the news, then they can move overseas or let someone else do the supermarket run.

ProPublica boosted

How Many Cars Have Connecticut Towing Companies Sold? The DMV Can’t Tell Us.

When reporters set out to quantify the impact of a Connecticut law that allows companies to sell some cars they’ve towed after just 15 days, the DMV said records would cost $47,000; it has revised the estimate but hasn't given us the records.

#News #Connecticut #Towing #Cars #DMV #FOIA #Research