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Jack Yan (甄爵恩) boosted

After-action report on this morning's protest at Tesla in Devon, PA:

- About 60 attendees.

- Age range 20s to 80s, but skewed older.

- One of the crowd had a sign inviting motorists to honk if they hate Musk. So the event was a honkfest.

- We were across from a Grenadier dealership and a supercar/hypercar customization shop. At one point a slew of local men in their supercars and hypercars rolled by and treated us to the sounds of their snarling, popping, snapping V16s. Fun! I don't know if they were for us or against.

- A fellow in a pickup truck rolled by slowly in the turning lane, equipped with a megaphone, accusing each and every one of us of being a "tranny" and having a penis. Some issue there -- very concerned about what was in everyone's pants. Needs therapy. 🤷🏼

- I suspect there will be even more attendees next week.
