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JonChevreau boosted

The letter…follows mounting pressure on state & federal authorities to investigate #ElonMusk’s lottery as a potential violation of #election laws, including a ban on paying people to register to vote. On Mon, a group of ex-prosecutors & other fmr govt ofcls sent a letter to the #DOJ requesting an investigation.

Legal experts believe #Musk’s contest falls into a legal gray area & could potentially violate #ElectionLaw, but not necessarily.

#law #52USC10307c

JonChevreau boosted

#DOJ warns #ElonMusk's #PAC that $1M voter giveaway could be [is totally] illegal

Pressure has mounted on prosecutors in recent days to scrutinize the lottery-style stunt.

#Justice sent a letter to #tech #billionaire #Musk’s super #PAC, #AmericaPAC, warning that its $1M daily giveaway in battleground states may run afoul of federal #law.

The letter came from the dept’s Public #Integrity Section…. That section handles #election-related prosecutions & related cases.

JonChevreau boosted

@wdlindsy Sadly Cult 45 doesn't care. they like his awfulness becuase it validates their awfulness. While HRC was correct in calling them deplorables, saying it out loud motivated them. I am hoping that this time around the utter incoherence of the TFG's campaign and the numbers of women voters voting against The Handmaid's Tale will sink this POS for good and take JDV with him.

JonChevreau boosted

Paging W? You there? ("GW Bush got to be here somewhere...Nope, no W over there. Maybe under here").

Via Kyle Griffin:

Republican and former Bush Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman has endorsed Vice President #Harris.

"Donald #Trump's current tariff proposal is dangerous for rural America. It would raise prices on essential goods, harm farmers by undermining key trade relationships, and increase costs for consumers."