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@malachi17RV Yes, this is something they knew from the start, but they did conclude that there was some value in the exercise:

"The Department of Justice said at the outset of its probe it had no expectation anyone would be prosecuted, but in a more than 120-page report federal investigators outlined the scope and impact of the massacre, an attack by a white mob on a thriving Black district that left as many as 300 people dead and 1,200 homes, businesses, schools and churches destroyed."

He's put together a cookbook to help raise funds to replace his family's wheelchair-friendly van, which will cost ~$100K.

$25 per copy. If you're not in Mount Forest ON, or don't see them at the Mount Forest or Toronto Market, you can make a donation through their GF and ask about the cookbook (link in next post).

Sharing is appreciated :)

#Cookbooks #Canada