California Wildfires | @MercNews | Flipboard
Posted into DISASTER PREP EDU @disaster-prep-edu-JanetteSpeyer
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California Wildfires | @MercNews | Flipboard
Posted into DISASTER PREP EDU @disaster-prep-edu-JanetteSpeyer
I've always been one degree of separation away from Neil Gaiman. I have friends who have introduced me to him, other friends who tend his Wisconsin house for him, and in 2013 another arranged a small show at the Bryant-Lake Bowl in Minneapolis with John Hodgman, John Moe, Gaiman, and some others.
After reading this article in Vulture, I guess it's probably just as well I was no closer.
Ein 27-jähriger Essener muss für zweieinhalb Jahre ins Gefängnis. Er soll als Jugendfußballtrainer Jugendliche missbraucht haben.#130125 #Regio-Beitrag #LandgerichtEssen #Kinderpfleger #Jugendfußballtrainer #Kindesmissbrauch #sexuellerMissbrauch
Ehemaliger Jugendtrainer wegen Missbrauchsdarstellungen verurteilt
Derweil die Grünen aus Dortmund so:
"when aphantasics were asked to imagine seeing an image on one side of their field of view, they showed more activity on that same side of their brain, whereas the control group showed more activation on the opposite side. “That in itself suggests a different wiring in the brain of aphantasics,” Pearson says. How exactly that wiring differs, though, is still unknown."
#Science #Aphantasia #brain
@Jyoti @Flipboard Read this list to our resident game expert at the House of the Culture Desk and he said: "This person is European."
Russian forces bypass a key stronghold in a bid to cut off its supplies, a Ukrainian officer says
Wahlkampf: Kriminalpolizei ermittelt gegen AfD wegen "Abschiebetickets"
Gepostet in Feature des Tages @feature-des-tages-FlipboardDE
Die selbsternannten Verteidiger von "freedom of speech":
#Mastodon #Statistics 2025-01-13 18:00 CET
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