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David Todd McCarty boosted

Today in Labor History January 12, 1876: Working class novelist Jack London was born. As a kid, he was an oyster pirate in Oakland, along the shores of the San Francisco Bay. As a young man, he became a hobo, riding the rails from town to town, looking for handouts and sometimes work. He wrote about these experiences in his short novel, “The Road.” He was also a lifelong alcoholic, which contributed to his early death. In his novel, “John Barleycorn,” he wrote about both his alcoholism and his experiences as a laborer in numerous low-paid, backbreaking jobs. He was also a socialist and a champion of unions and working-class activism. With respect to strikebreakers, he famously wrote: "After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, the vampire, He had some awful substance left with which He made a scab. A scab is a two-legged animal with a cork-screw soul, a water-logged brain, a combination backbone of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles." London was also one of the first Haoles (non-Native Hawaiian, or white person) to learn how to surf in Hawaii.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #jacklondon #fiction #union #scab #socialism #hawaii #surfing #novel #alcoholism #oakland #pirate #books #author #writer @bookstadon


Dass der Springer-Verlag den ersten Wahlaufruf für die AfD veröffentlicht, ist kein Zufall.

CEO und Mehrheitsaktionär Döpfnet folgt einem Plan. Er nutzt viele Chancen, sich der libertär-demokratiefeindlichen Tech-Elite in den USA anzunähern. Sein Sohn Moritz zum Beispiel arbeitet lt. @Semafor als Chief Of Staff für den irrlichternden Investor Peter Thiel.

Thiel wiederum wird verhandelt als ein Mitglied von Trumps Effizienzbehörde Doge, die Musk derzeit aufbaut.