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Kalle Kniivilä boosted


The oil oligarchs frying LA and the planet feel no constraint.

Taking control of Canada & Greenland's oil reserves to please Trump & Musk's foreign investors in Russia & Saudi Arabia, that matters more to the GOP.

The planet fries if those oil reserves are developed.

How many more California wildfires will the moneyed orchestrate?

Still perplexed why Ron Lauder is keen on Greenland.

Jeff Jarvis boosted


The oil oligarchs frying LA and the planet feel no constraint.

Taking control of Canada & Greenland's oil reserves to please Trump & Musk's foreign investors in Russia & Saudi Arabia, that matters more to the GOP.

The planet fries if those oil reserves are developed.

How many more California wildfires will the moneyed orchestrate?

Still perplexed why Ron Lauder is keen on Greenland.

Korallenherz boosted

Was war denn die Intention der Polizei #Sachsen? Antifaschist*innen bewusstlos prügeln? Einfach willkürlich auf Protestierende einschlagen?
Solidarität mit Nam Duy Nguyen und allen Antifaschist*innen, die heute in #Riesa Polizeigewalt erfahren mussten. Machen wir uns nichts vor, es wird - wie immer - keine wirklichen Konsequenzen haben.
Screenshot: #Riesa #widersetzen
