@saruwine @tml Tunnettu paikka esperantopiireissö, osin siksi, että kaupungin nimi esperantoksi tarkoittaa vapautta. Siellä järjestettiin muutama vuosi sitten nuorisokongressi, mutta olin joitakin vuosikymmeniä liian vanha, joten en osallistunut.
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Last week's snow caught us by surprise and didn't amount to too much. This that just started we've known was coming for about a week. It's expected to give us more snow than we've seen in four or five years, which isn't saying much. Because of global warming, we don't see nearly as much snow as we once did.
Making some continued tweaks to the Tedium template in an effort to get things more fully off the old site.
I forked the git repository and changed the GraphQL call slightly and suddenly I had MidRange. Still need to tweak the layout slightly but it will likely be a variant of Tedium with some mild differences.
The New Yorker has unveiled its Jan. 20 (Inauguration Day) cover. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cover-story/cover-story-2025-01-20
Ihr habt mitbekommen dass morgen in #Riesa AfD Parteitag ist?
Und habt ihr auch mitbekommen dass Busse aus vielen Städten teilweise schon heute Nacht anreisen, um dieses Faschisten-Treffen zu blockieren, zu verhindern? (#widersetzen!)
An dieser Stelle - mein tiefer Respekt an alle, die sich aufmachen (können)! Trotz Winter, trotz Repression.
Siamo tutti antifascisti!
The Arizona Cardinals sending two of the NFL team’s 777 planes to L.A., picking up the Rams team, its staff, their families, six dogs and two cats and bringing them to Arizona tonight, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter. The Rams are to play there Monday night vs. the Vikings.
@RitaWerner er denkt das wäre irgendwas persönliches, völliger unfug. meine kritik wurde nicht mal im ansatz verstanden. @reppesgaard
The fascist US political regime and TechBros have become obviously synonymous. Resisting one is resisting the other. Every technical decision is now an ethical decision.