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Kalle Kniivilä boosted

PS. I should also mention that my data shows clear evidence of algorithmic changes on Facebook (Fall 2018), X (Fall 2022 and ongoing) and now Threads (Nov 2024) explicitly downweighting climate content.

In Aug 2018, 'clean energy' was added to FB's "socially sensitive topics" list, and my page's growth was cut in half. A few months later, 'climate change' was added. My page growth froze at 46k then decreased, and my engagement dropped about 10x.

Now, changes in the Threads algorithm made in November have similarly frozen my Threads account and tanked engagement there as well. Here's the data below.

For more on how X's changes have boosted denial, read @ketan's analysis here:


Karina’s Bill seeks to protect domestic violence victims by creating uniform processes for removing guns from alleged abusers who are subject an order of protection. The #Illinois Senate passed the measure (House Bill 4144) Monday night on a 43-10 vote, and the Democratic-controlled House is scheduled to take up the proposal Tuesday. #politics #GunLaws #violence

Kalle Kniivilä boosted

It’s troubling to hear Musk and Trump speaking so recklessly in terms of expansion. Not only because these (so far imagined) infringements on sovereign nations (Canada, UK, Denmark, Panama) are illegal, but because MAGA nationalism, to this point, has not had the external, imperial drive that competitors/rivals have shown in acts of overt and veiled hostility.

Trump the deal-maker, peace-broker seems to be giving way to Trump the Caesar. The real estate “tycoon” is going global.