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Daniel AJ Sokolov boosted

Ten years ago, an American friend whom I look up to told me: "stay away from Zuckerberg and his enterprises. He is a bad person and cannot be trusted." I took his advice to heart and dropped everything Meta: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp. And then never picked up anything Meta*, even if products looked compelling. This was a very good decision.

Two years ago, I came to the same conclusion regarding Musk.

Ten years ago, an American friend whom I look up to told me: "stay away from Zuckerberg and his enterprises. He is a bad person and cannot be trusted." I took his advice to heart and dropped everything Meta: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp. And then never picked up anything Meta*, even if products looked compelling. This was a very good decision.

Two years ago, I came to the same conclusion regarding Musk.

Martin Holland boosted

Kommentar: Meta ohne Moderation – Zuckerberg riskiert das digitale Chaos

Zuckerbergs Zeitenwende zur Meinungsfreiheit ist naiv, meint "heise medien"-Chefredakteur Torsten Beeck. Meta droht ein Sumpf der Desinformation zu werden.

#EU #Kommentar #MarkZuckerberg #Meinungsfreiheit #Facebook #Wirtschaft #Zensur #news