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US Treasury OFAC is sanctioning Antal Rogan, a senior Hungarian government official, "for his involvement in corruption in Hungary." https://ofac.treasury.gov/recent-actions/20250107
Esto se complica cada vez más, al único relleno sanitario que le quedaría a la GAM (porque La Carpio está a punto de cerrar) se le redujo la vida útil a la mitad en cuestión de meses.
After floods, Rio Grande do Sul launches new highway concession
#politics #brazil #economy https://valorinternational.globo.com/business/news/2025/01/06/after-floods-rio-grande-do-sul-launches-new-highway-concession.ghtml?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=compartilhar
The materials used to make supraparticle lasers (known as colloidal quantum dots) are often rare and toxic. Sometimes, they're both — yet only 2% of them currently get recycled. Researchers at the University of Strathclyde have developed a new technique that could boost this rate. #physics #science
Salud y municipalidades chocan por propuesta para regionalizar manejo de residuos
- Ministerio plantea que ningún relleno sanitario reciba desechos de más de 50 km a la redonda; municipios consideran que planteamiento es ‘irreal’.
"The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a United Nations agency that defines international operating standards for civil aviation, has confirmed it’s investigating a cybersecurity incident:" UN aviation agency ‘investigating’ security breach after hacker claims theft of personal data https://techcrunch.com/2025/01/07/un-aviation-agency-investigating-security-breach-after-hacker-claims-theft-of-personal-data/
Esto, por supuesto, acaba con el castillo como hotel de lujo y espacio para eventos, donde lo más que los mortales podrán hacer es a la cafetería a un cappuccino gourmet y un suizo por 8,50. Porque Dios nos libre que los niños puedan ir a un castillo —por absolutamente desnaturalizado que esté— a ver cómo eran
US sanctioning RSF leader known as Hemedti, "for his role in systematic atrocities committed against the Sudanese people." - Secretary of State Blinken in a statement https://ofac.treasury.gov/recent-actions/20250107
Mexico drops migrants in troubled resort as it disperses them far from US border https://apnews.com/article/mexico-migrants-acapulco-trump-sheinbaum-3f90610817151fafe151e0569a398b59?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon