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Franck Ext. - Zero Fox Given boosted

Mort de Jean-Marie Le Pen à l’âge de 96 ans, annonce le clan à l’AFP. Le décès du fondateur du FN restera un point de détail dans l’Histoire, contrairement à ses condamnations pour apologie de crimes de guerre, provocations à la haine et à la discrimination et antisémitisme. L’année 2025 ne commence pas si mal.

#Politique #MarineLePen #RN #Antisemitisme #Deces #Mort #Champagne #ExtremeDroite

Christian Schwägerl boosted

The student approached the Master and said "He wants to put a million people on Mars by 2040! That's so amazing!"

The Master replied. "I have a better plan. I will put a million people on Antarctica by 2040."

"But that sounds fucking insane. Why would you want to do something that stupid? It's a barren wasteland that's difficult to populate and would provide us with absolutely nothing!"

At that moment, the student was enlightened.