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3 podejscia, drobne problemy techniczne, ale jak mnie juz ponioslo flow to wyszlo z tego 1,5 godziny muzyki - dzisiaj Wam juz oszczedze siedzenia do 2:30 i sluchania, publikacja jutro 😉

ale nawet nie wiecie jakie to bylo PRZEZAJEBISTE uczucie znowu dac sie poniesc czemus co tak kocham, co mnie tak podnosi na duchu i daje mi tyle energii co elektrownia atomowa 🥰

#muzyka #DJing #pasja #MuzykaKlubowa @muzykaklubowa



There are a lot of professional provocateurs who traffic in extremism, and there's really not much a democratic government can do about it.

We've seen the debate on college campuses where student groups invite a known hater to speak and as long as their speech is going to fall under 1A protections, there's not much can be done.

As is often the case when police are called or the thought of calling is entertained, police can't do anything until the culprit performs a criminal act.