For those who don’t know what NCEP EMC does, they run our numerical weather prediction models on supercomputers, and do research on how to improve those models. The forecast on your smartphone is probably derived from a model that they ran.
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@ArrestJK Given Ikeʼs warning way back, I thought the military–industrial complex would put the pressure on Mangolini. Not that I root for death merchants.
@Scienceisnotopinions @Dianora @pamela6591 @JonChevreau They were smart enough to accept new info on how they were being mislead. That is a big thing.
@Westcoastmaven @JonChevreau @paninid @Meznor @the5thColumnist @megatronicthronbanks
Although I agree that Ike was better than he had to be, he was a creature of his time, and a militarist with all the standard GOP tendencies. He gave us Nixon, and ushered in the golden age of “fooled-ya!” from the dems.
@pamela6591 @Dianora @JonChevreau Exactly!
@Nonilex Nothing at all in return for America, I would imagine.
Obvious Russian asset is Obvious.
It was not immediately clear what Washington could specifically seek in return for any #sanctions relief. [nothing for the #US, something for #Trump? Likely.]
…US sanctions on #Russia since the 2022 invasion of #Ukraine have included measures aimed at limiting revenues from the country's huge oil & gas industry & weakening its ability to fund the #war.
#geopolitics #MafiaState #Kompromat #PutinsPuppet #StandWithUkraine
@pamela6591 @Dianora @JonChevreau
The best propaganda is me telling you the truth as I see it, with the facts to make my assertion.
True, it doesn't take into account your version of the story, but that's propaganda.
@CStamp @Dianora @pamela6591 @JonChevreau If they're that smart they wouldn't have been sucked in. Instead, they would have listened to the right people. I know what you mean. I've given up on these folks.
U of M framework commits administration, academics to meaningful reconciliation efforts