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JonChevreau boosted

"Gov. Kathy Hochul Tells New Yorkers That Voting Republican Makes Them ‘Anti-American’"

"New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said that the rally in New York City for Donald Trump last week backfired on him, and gave her the opportunity to 'remind' New Yorkers that casting a vote in the state for a Republican makes them, personally, 'anti-American.'"

#GOP #Trump #democracy #Hochul #NY #NYC #MSG #fail #press

marcelo 🇵🇸🇮🇱🕊️ boosted

Candidata moldava pró-UE Maria Sandu reclama vitória nas presidenciais

A Presidente cessante pró-europeia da Moldova, Maia Sandu, que soma 54% dos votos quando a contagem está praticamente concluída, reivindicou hoje vitória, no final de uma eleição presidencial marcada por suspeitas de interferência russa.

Journalists should be praying that Harris wins this election, because President Trump and his brownshirts will be coming after them if she doesn't.

Media never confronted the meaning of fascism in their coverage. Let's hope they -- and the rest of us -- don't have to confront it in real life.

Of course, if she wins (and Trump cult doesn't pull off a coup), journalists will say everything's fine and pretend there never was an emergency.