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Jack Yan (甄爵恩) boosted

Another #Facebook / #Meta #opsec risk spotted today - real photo of UK unlicensed rave stolen by #Telegram online #drugs dealer for ads on "private" FB group. Sooner or later (if not already happening), old bill are going to start feeding these photos through #AI as well as whatever data Meta and Telegram hand over, start trying to add 2+2 and arrive at 400 (such as the relatively innocent rave crew being linked with the Telegram dealing, which could of course end very badly)

And me: "I have been engaging in painful reflection about the field to which I have devoted fifty years of my career, the past eighteen as an educator.... I wonder whether to give up on incumbent, institutional news media. Can these institutions be reformed? I do not know."

Daniel AJ Sokolov boosted

Another week, another increase for @heiseonline

#Mastodon keeps growing (the last time, we got this much #traffic, was at the beginning of the year), #Bluesky, too. No big jumps, but we'll see, where it leads.
#Threads still brings very little, #Twitter stays weak.

As always, this is the traffic to via the different social media platforms.

Edit: In the graph, Mastodon, Bluesky and Threads are stacked together (as they are they biggest Twitter-alternatives).

2nd Edit: Graph added.