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Czulem, ze tu czerwona kartka wisi w powietrzu, ale opcji, ze dostanie ja #Szczesny to sie nie spodziewalem... 🤣
👆 I've built another table collecting #media in the #Fediverse.. This time with the ones federated by @Flipboard
Interview with the North Korean soldiers captured in Kursk oblast'
A quieter, more fuel-efficient passenger plane may hit the skies by 2023. @LiveScience has more:
"Sunday 'City of Angels' Toons" — This and many more in our latest collection of the week’s hottest toons!…
In the #Fediverse there are now
504 media accounts federated by Flipboard.
326 were active today.
Some accounts, that were active today are
Find the whole list on:
Built by @mho
#MastodonMigration #SocialMedia #Mastodon #Media #Press #Newspaper #TwitterMigration #Newstodon
The Religious Affiliations of Members of 119th Congress Are Reported
"Pew reports that 86.7% of the voting members of the Senate and House combined are Christian."
Yet the percentage of Christians in the general pop is in the mid-60's, making Christians overrepresented
@chillicampari @ghostdancer
Let's do a herbs exchange in the Can bring good stuff ;)
“Don’t build your community infrastructure on top of the goodwill of a benevolent dictator” is what I hope people learn from the past 5 years.