The Cobb County Courier's Dog of the Day, selected from the Cobb Animal Services Shelter website, is a male hound named Kincaid #CobbCounty #dogsofmastodon 🐕 🐶 🐾
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The Cobb County Courier's Dog of the Day, selected from the Cobb Animal Services Shelter website, is a male hound named Kincaid #CobbCounty #dogsofmastodon 🐕 🐶 🐾
Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, January 16, 2025 - Volume 998 ♿️
The Week's News in Access Technology
A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication
#news #technology #accessibility #a11y #disability #blind #deaf #deafblind #toptechtidbits
Top Tech Tidbits. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access technology.
Subscribers: 33,448 🔢️ subscribers were sent this issue via email.
Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, January 16, 2025 - Volume 998 ♿️
The Week's News in Access Technology
A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication
#news #technology #accessibility #a11y #disability #blind #deaf #deafblind #toptechtidbits
Top Tech Tidbits. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access technology.
Subscribers: 33,448 🔢️ subscribers were sent this issue via email.
@LilithElina statische Belastung ging super, aber sobald es dynamisch wurde, war ich auf dem Boden. Klimmzüge sind aber unkritisch, weil du mit den Füßen aufkommst.
@ColinTheMathmo Yeah, she was that rare creature for her time, a woman known for her wit. Her most famous line: "Is that a pickle in your pocket, or are you glad to see me?"
Blimmin’ heck, another polite email worked! Another #disinformation page gone thanks to the site owner doing the honourable thing.
#SteveAoki, #DonDiablo, #AdamBeyer, #VintageCulture - cos czuje, ze w siedzibie #MDT juz licza pieniadze zebrane ze sprzedazy biletow i w tym roku na #SunriseFestival bedzie sold out 🤣
Aoki i Don Diablo to moze nie do konca nazwiska dla mnie, ale nie da sie ukryc, ze jest grubo - a to dopiero poczatek, line-up jest ujawniany dopiero od wczoraj, jeszcze kilkadziesiat nazwisk przed nami
edit: zapomnialem o #ArmandVanHelden
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Ad agosto l'istanza era KO e stavamo pensando che farne, chiunque dopo 4 anni e con pochi iscritti l'avrebbe chiusa ma abbiamo deciso che era importante rimboccarsi le maniche perchè in Italia si doveva offrire almeno un'alternativa ad Instagram
Cinque mesi dopo Wired ci consiglia come alternativa italiana a Instagram: ❤️