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@privacy I've been using it for more than a decade now. Before that I spent about a year using Bodhi Linux, and PCLOS for several years before that. My first Linux love was Mandrake which morphed into Mandriva. I moved on when I realized that the company behind the distro was about the become a floater.

Korallenherz boosted

Am Montag konnten 76 Menschen von einem Boot in Seenot in einer dramatischen Rettungsaktion an Land gebracht werden. Das Boot wurde auf dem Weg nach England im Ärmelkanal durch einen Motorschaden manövrierunfähig. Bei dem stark befahrenen #Ärmelkanal ist das eine sehr gefährliche Situation. Glücklicherweise konnten die Menschen gerettet und an Land gebracht werden.


ProPublica boosted

The Second Trump White House Could Drastically Reshape Infectious Disease Research. Here’s What’s at Stake.

Donald Trump’s pick to lead the federal health agency has vowed to replace hundreds of staffers and shift research away from infectious diseases and vaccines. Such an overhaul could imperil the development of life-saving treatments, experts warn.

#News #Trump #Government #USPolitics #Health #Research #Vaccine

Franck Ext. - Zero Fox Given boosted

WTF? Fuck the corporate democrats / neoliberals, yes. Doesn’t mean you need to fawn over literal fucking fascists. Y’all think Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and the cadre of billionaires they have lined up for their administration are going to “tackle Big Tech abuses?”

What the fucking fuck, man?

Update: Proton deleted their post. Here’s a screenshot of it I took at the time because this ain’t my first rodeo.


Franck Ext. - Zero Fox Given boosted

#cyclisme Je découvre via la newsletter de Beyond the Peloton le charcutage des droits TV des courses cyclistes aux 🇺🇸. Pour suivre tout le calendrier WorldTour, cela reviendrait par an à... 349,86$ avec pub, et 541,86$ sans pub. On est loin des 131,88€ avec pub ou 179,88€ sans pub via Max