Dear Democrats,
If we paid you a bit more, could you be a little MORE pathetic?

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Dear Democrats,
If we paid you a bit more, could you be a little MORE pathetic?
This is the heaviest blow yet from the US, and it will have huge repercussions, not just on the front line, but for the Ukrainian air force defending civilians from rocket and drone attacks - many more Ukrainians will die because Americans have voted to betray their country and the free world. (Financial Times reporting)
@bfaliszek nie trzeba "sledzic", takie informacje pchaja sie drzwiami i oknami ;)
A Facebook group for Cybertruck owners is full of videos of people flicking off Cybertrucks, people leaving notes that say "NAZI CAR," people writing "CYBER CHODE" on dirty Cybertrucks, etc:
@randahl Comment on Youtube: "When your country imports 20% of the country's electricity consumption, 50% of the country's oil consumption, and 90% of the country's gas consumption from Canada, then it is quite unintelligent to start a trade war with Canada.”
'No president has done more to harm our economy and standing in the world. Donald Trump is making China and Russia great again. The U.S., on his watch, is the loser.'
Dealmakers Are Losing Ground as Hopes of Trump Rally Fade Fast
Posted into Bloomberg Asia @bloomberg-asia-bloomberg
it's happening. die usa haben die ukraine von ihrer intelligence abgeknipst. starlink wahrscheinlich nur eine frage der zeit.