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Timothy R. Butler boosted

Ryan Chenkie:

Developers, please be careful when installing Homebrew. Google is serving sponsored links to a Homebrew site clone that has a cURL command to malware. The URL for this site is one letter different than the official site.

Note: Google allows the ad sponsors to specify an URL that will be displayed on the ad (original here), but the click takes you to the malware domain

#Apple #HomeBrew #Google #MacOS

Three truths I hope are revealed by this survey’s results and discussion:

1. There is no consensus on the relative weight of “Book”. (In some type it’s lighter than Reg, in others it’s heavier. And the varying assumptions of respondents demonstrate that.)

2. There is no consensus on the meaning of “Book” beyond weight.

3. “Book” may be an ok word to use in a family name, but it is not a good word for a style within a family.

#TypeDesign #Fonts #Typography

Mit Donald #Trump wird heute ein Mann US-Präsident, der #Europa nicht als natürlichen Verbündeten sieht, sondern in die Mangel nehmen will – mit territorialen Forderungen, einem drohenden Rückzug aus der Ukrainehilfe und Attacken gegen die Klima- und Digitalpolitik der #EU.
Was tun? Darum geht es in meiner Analyse bei @riffreporter

#inauguration #musk #zuckerberg #Ukraine #Verteidigung #klimaschutz