Taliban announce release of two Americans held in Afghanistan in a prisoner exchange https://www.npr.org/2025/01/21/g-s1-43968/taliban-announce-release-of-two-americans-held-in-afghanistan-in-a-prisoner-exchange?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
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@sebastienserre I'm trying to understand the documentation for the new UX, which they made much more confusing...ugh. And we would gladly pay for something good.
The question I can't get out of my mind is: "What if Trump succeeds?" Then I remind myselves that tories always push the economy into a crash and blame the center left for not cleaning up their mess well enough
@jonathanharker Indeed. I may have to step up my meagre contribution to the fund.
People asking me to put posts behind a content warning, can you please put your requests for content warnings behind a content warning? Your requests are very triggering to me.
Ärligt talat är själva hitlerhälsningen inte i närheten av så sorglig som vissheten om hur många som kommer att bortförklara den som ”en märklig gest”, ”kontroversiell”, ”inte alls en hitlerhälsning” etc
Verbotene, lebensbedrohliche Wirkstoffe als Abnehm-Mittel, Chlordioxid gegen „Turbokrebs“ und Nahrungsergänzung zur „Impfausleitung“? Bei Gesundheitswerbung im Netz heißt es: Vorsicht Fake! Und mit KI kommt da noch was auf uns zu… Achtung vor Maschen wie diesen:
https://www.riffreporter.de/de/wissen/gesundheitswerbung-betrug-fake-internet-ki-promis-hirschhausen @riffreporter