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Paul Shread boosted

FFS, really keeps the virus active this way...

'California farm workers with symptoms consistent with bird flu have avoided testing because they fear they would need to isolate at home without pay, said United Farm Workers.' #BirdFlu #Virus #Testing

Farm workers who contract avian flu on the job are eligible for worker's compensation, said a spokesperson for the California Department of Industrial Relations.

Paul Shread boosted

BREAKING: Washington Post REFUSES to endorse a candidate for president

Again: the mainstream media is COMPROMISED - Donald Trump is the ONLY reason they're still in business

I am canceling my Post subscription, and I will NOT write for them again until they make serious changes

Paul Shread boosted

I'm having a bad day. When I see people who apparently have access to classified natsec info who are also apparently compromised in some way it makes me mad. I get very cranky. It kind of feels like someone taking a shit on my career. I apologize for being irate. If I sound short it's not you. This business with Musk & Putin has really pissed me off. Hell Donald Trump so far has got away with stealing boxes full of the stuff and Trump is Putin's bitch. Everywhere we look Putin has his creepy trolls installed in our national security operations. Goddammit!