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JonChevreau boosted

Via The Hill:

The Washington Post is reeling from a decision to abstain from endorsing a presidential candidate in the 2024 election, a move that was reportedly made by billionaire owner Jeff Bezos after its editorial board drafted an endorsement of Vice President Harris.
The decision has sparked widespread anger inside the Postโ€™s newsroom and earned the Amazon founder sharp condemnation from voices in Democratic politics and the media.

JonChevreau boosted

As far as the state of play of the election: We should be "concerned over everything, panicked over nothing" as they say. But I do say this, if the choice was between anxiety or complacency (which we had some in 2016) I'd much rather us be freaked out - if it drives us to do more, reach out more, vote more.

Per Josh Marshall here:

"Then at the end, he said, Harris supporters are much more worried about a Trump victory than Trump supporters are worried about a Harris victory. When I heard that, I'm like, dude, you buried the lead because this is actually one of the reasons that I think Harris is going to win.

That Harris supporters really are worried about a Trump victory... fear is a big motivator.

And I think as much as Republicans say about how everybody's going to have to become trans under under Harris and all this kind of stuff, honestly, they're not that worried about it. They're not. And again, this isn't me and my bubble saying it...
They're not as worried about it because it's kind of where we are and things are kind of OK."

From The Josh Marshall Podcast: The Anatomy Of An October Surprise, Oct 23, 2024

JonChevreau boosted

from today's thing:

"that was Tuckums, two nights ago at a hate-rally in Duluth, Georgia, warming up the crowd for Donny Convict.

now, I can hear you saying, 'please, Uncle Jeff โ€” tell us what happened next. please tell us that the crowd sat in confused silence. that you could hear a pin drop, and then a voice rang out as clear as a bell:'

"what the fuck is wrong with you?"'

sorry, no. that ainโ€™t how that shit went down. Donnyโ€™s deranged cultists gobbled it up."

link in the first commentโ€”>

JonChevreau boosted


Retired Washington Post Executive Editor Marty Baron slammed the decision on social media.

โ€œThis is cowardice, with democracy as its casualty,โ€ Baron wrote. โ€œ@RealDonaldTrump will see this as an invitation to further intimidate owner @JeffBezos (and others). Disturbing spinelessness at an institution famed for courage.โ€