Verified Journalists
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I’m CTO at the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists ( where I build interactive stories, data driven investigations and tools. #UberFiles #EricssonList #PandoraPapers #FinCENFiles #LuandaLeaks
🇧🇷 Brazil-born (diaspora)
[en] • Independent visual journalist • Multidisciplinary photographer
[es] • Periodista visual independiente • Fotógrafo multidisciplinario
[pt] • Jornalista visual independente • Fotógrafo multidisciplinar
#wabisabi #photography #foss #Newstodon #fediverse #fedi22 #journalist #photographer
From Germany, proud father of two sons and journalist at t-online • Like science, decency, public spirit • Dislike stupidity, right crap and Elon Musk • European 🇪🇺 and forever for Ukraine 🇺🇦 • Also at Bluesky #tfr
Somethingteller. Antispecista. Appassionato. Asperger. Giornalista e attivista. Fotografo e storico dell'arte.
Economic policy reporter at Politico, seeing what this Mastodon thing is all about.
Teilzeit WiMi im Bt / schreibt bei nd.Der Tag / / queer und ne ganze Menge anderes. Hier alles zusammen. Job + Privat. Warum auch nicht? (Foto Bundestag/Inga Haar) Threema: CE4586UW
Freelance writer and author focusing on travel, food, history, and witchcraft.
Tech journalist | Editor @heiseonline | Podcast: @Apfelfunk | YouTuber | iOS dev
Toronto writer on literature (, science (especially #medsci), and solidarity. or drugs/books/struggle. up/down. fiction/reality. beauty/misery. Author of 2 books (most recently, On Opium: Pain, Pleasure, and Other Matters of Substance) #drugpolicy #spoonie #pain #infectiousdisease #harmreduction #meded #canlit #romanticism #capitalism #journalism #bookstodon #bookmastodon. DM for Signal.[email protected]
CISSP and author of When Gadgets Betray Us and co-author of Art of Invisibility (with Kevin Mitnick). I write about hackers and criminal hackers.[email protected]
Reporter for the Washington Post in London. Joan of Narrative Arc. Forever Californian.
I play music as The King Teen. See links. King Kaufman is my stage name for when I do the journalisms. Bio photo is a famous person who isn't me.
#Periodista #Journalist #AsesorDePrensa #PressAdvisor #PressAge: @agenciapressage #AgenciadeComunicación y #GabinetedePrensa . PressAge: #ComunicationAgency and #PressCabinet y/and #Pressnet: #Periodistas, #Periodismo y #Medios. Pressnet: #Journalists, #Journalism & #Media, Director
👁️#PeriodistaDigital #DigitalJournalist #PeriodistaMóvil #MobileJournalist
Software developer, newspaper publisher. #Journalism, #LocalNews, #WordPress, #Laravel. Indiana, USA. He/him.
Investigative reporter & News researcher in Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten. More likely to be found on Bluesky:
Appeared at 337.69 PPM CO₂. #dad. #cloud-addict. Lthreema :apple:-user and :linux:-geek, too! 🖤 (black-/ death-/ gothic- & doom) #metal. #traveller. #photographer. #blogger.
Private account with just my personal opinion, Pixelfed-photos on!
Born to raise hell! Further topics: #history #it #security #science #foss #fedi22 #fedipact
:threema: H9PDAE7N
+++ Giornalista di professione & rugbista. Il mondo accelera, io rallento +++ Semper Eadem
Journalist, baker, programmer, crocheter, tinkerer, dad.
Interactives editor, Chicago Sun-Times; formerly at The Associated Press, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, PBS NewsHour.
Knows where his towel is.
Project manager in healthcare tech. Ex-tech and business journo in SEA. I sometimes shoot 📸 things. Part time orchestra kid. SKOC vice chair.
Still writes and edits for random places. Drop me a line: [email protected] | discord: omata#3302 | telegram: @omata3105
Languages I understand: EN・日・中・粤・MY