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I’m CTO at the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists ( where I build interactive stories, data driven investigations and tools. #UberFiles #EricssonList #PandoraPapers #FinCENFiles #LuandaLeaks
Giornalista. Corrispondente da Germania, Austria e Svizzera. Journalist reporting DACH.Based in Germany, Bavaria.
Food & travel writer. Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of The Year. @Wired kitchen gear reviewer. Cookbook author, cookbook nerd. Western shirt aficionado.
Author of " the most in-depth and entertaining sous vide cooker review of all time" -- Dave Pell/NextDraft
Editor at Large, WIRED. Books include Hackers, Crypto, Insanely Great, Facebook: The Inside Story.
Photo Journalist and Artist Photographer @Getty Images #leica | Director of Photography | Digital Content Creator | Photographic Consultant | Innovation Leader |
Specialist in directing visual storytelling and monetising high-quality photojournalism, working with the world’s leading media brands.
Workshops Mentor, Sharing the Craft of
Journalist/Researcher with Alt News | Debunking mis/disinformation | Email - [email protected]
Writer of Freak Scene, a newsletter about music in Western MA and CT. Bylines in the Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone, Inside Hook, Paste and more. Baker. Fútbol fan. IWWFJU. Knows it's only rock 'n' roll, but likes it. He/him.
Senior correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, based in Asia. Co-author of “Surveillance State: Inside China’s Quest to Launch a New Era of Social Control.” Was briefly the sous chef at a now-defunct floating French restaurant. Same handle at the other site.
Journalist på Sydsvenskan i Lund.
Här i egenskap av mig själv.
Senaste boken:
Landet som vaknade – berättelser från Ukraina.
Joskus suomeksikin.
I write about technology and #geek out regularly. #3DPrinting #StarWars #StarTrek #Tech #Science #Creator #LEGO #Austin #Nerd #Technology #Software #Community #SocialMedia #SciFi
Twitter Refugee. Contributing Writer, Freelance writer with 33 years of #sports media experience. Longtime Philadelphia Eagles fan. Independent thinker. Uncle of 3, married to none.
Arts, Culture, Entertainment, History, Politics, Sports in English & Español. Otro hijo de Juan Rulfo.
Somethingteller. Antispecista. Appassionato. Asperger. Giornalista e attivista. Fotografo e storico dell'arte.
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Journalist with 50 years experience. Chief editor of
«La teología es una reflexión sobre la fe, y la fe lo que tiene que hacer es movilizar a las personas para cambiar.» (Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino)
CIO and Chief Content Officer at IT World Canada (ITWC) 40 years in technology. Author. Musician.