Verified Journalists
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Publisher and writer of Daybreak Upper Valley, an email newsletter that rethinks how we get local and state (VT/NH) news.
editor of Annals of Improbable Research, organizer of the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony. I write about research (and other stuff) that makes people LAUGH then THINK.
I teach journalism at NYU, critique the press, try to suggest reforms. PressThink is the name of my subject and my site. "Chill before serving" is my social media motto. Elvis Costello's version of "What's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding" is my theme song.
Reporter at First Amendment Watch. Send me your tips and thoughts:
[email protected]
Signal: +1 (347) 651-1090
Former reporter at Columbia Journalism School: #data, #tech, #humanrights, #criminaljustice
I write goth blog posts about being Online and other things.
Freelance writer and editor. Bylines in Vox, MIT Tech Review, Washington Post, Atlantic, Mashable, Slate, etc.
Journalist for Tech in Asia based in Malaysia. Previously SFBA, Chicago, Dubai.
Ex- "the media"
So I'm using this account
As me and *for* me.
I'm based in Raleigh
(Yes, that's North Carolina),
A husband and dad.
Deputy Politics Editor at The Conversation Australia @theconversationau #news #analysis
CEO, Cityside Journalism Initiative, a nonprofit local news organization with sites in Oakland and Berkeley (and more to come).
Rédactrice en chef adjointe #ScienceetVie hors-série. Née en 335 ppm. M2 Médias et Climat 2022-23 @UnivParisSaclay @ESJLille. Passée par @SciencesPo_Tlse
Moitié d'ici, mitad de ahí 🇫🇷🇪🇸
Writer at PCMag. Ex CNN. Bylines: The New York Times, TechRadar, ESPN, Fanbyte, and more!
Present: In Airplane mode. ✈️ Past: Audience development and more @SightlineMedia, @HistoryNet & @Sunset; @aajafl secretary; digital at @StarsandStripes, @MyNews13, @OrlandoSentinel | ハーフ | Janeway, Seven of Nine, Ro, T'Pol stan. Targ Whisperer 🖖 | 💕: 東京, 福生駅, カレ-ライス 🍛, 🐕, rowing, tater tots.
Digital Editor at KQED | Past: Food Editor at SFGATE | Award-winning #Editor #Journalist | CNPA, SPJNorCal 🏆| Tweets are mine, punk! | ✍️ Send tips + pitches: [email protected]
Journalist and blogger, specializing in AI and cognitive computing systems, demographics, data science, and their implications for the future of work and business.
Hirn & Hormonforscherin | 📚 Best- & Letztseller Autorin | freie Journalistin und Wissenschaftskommunikatorin | Schreibt dicke Bücher, damit man sie im Zweifel auch werfen kann | sie/she, Phd
Eloped Neuroscientist turned writer | Journalist and Science Communicator | Best- and Leastselling Author | Brains, Hormones & Politics | her/she, Phd | We didn't become scientists for having practical skills
missy, 29, melb/kulin land, disabled, queer. games journalist.
Talk to me about #MassEffect, #DragRace, #SteveRogers, #Fanfiction, #Writing, #VideoGames, #Comicbooks, #Knitting, #Fallout.