Verified Journalists
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Staff writer at The Atlantic. Author of GULAG, IRON CURTAIN, RED FAMINE and TWILIGHT OF DEMOCRACY
Former writer and editor. Bylines: Input / Engadget / VICE / VERGE 🌈✌️
#fedi22 #photography #unrealengine #3D #IT #sysadmin #technology
Journalist + nerd for food + public health systems. I also write about science for kids
Head of Content at Commonwealth Fusion Systems, a startup developing zero-carbon power plants to help fight climate change. Former science and technology journalist at CNET.
tech, gaming and market insights. senior writer at barron’s.
priors: tech columnist at bloomberg opinion, cnbc, buyside.
Data scientist, journalist, former evolutionary biologist. Bylines: the Atlantic, VICE News, Slate, etc.
Environmental Journalist. Video & Podcasts @Mongabay. Born at 350ppm. Marathoner. Opinions are my own. Cherokee territory ➡️ Gadigal Country (USA ➡️ Sydney, AUS).
Journalistic lecturer & PhD student at University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Focusing on how #DigitalTechnologies influence the way we do journalism and how digital journalism functions in a modern #democracy.
My research interests are #InternetCulture #DigitalCulture and how it affects #journalism – how we keep the #PublicConversation good and enlightened.
I also teach hands on journalism eg. #osint and #datajournalism.
My favourite dinosaur is a stegosaurus.
Professing science journalism, directing NYU SHERP. 60-time loser, 1-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize in General Nonfiction. Probably off chasing 🦋 somewhere.
Journaliste, documentariste et auteur à géographie variable
Vagabondages entre campagnes et quartiers populaires, entre passé et présent, entre radio et écrits.
📻"Se Souvenir de Sam" sur France Culture
🎧"Penser le 9-3" sur Making Waves
📗 "Cheville Ouvrière" chez Creaphis Editions
Promoteur de #ConseilPodcast
#journadon #journalisme #radio #podcast #DocuRadio #RadioFeature #journalism #TeamPodcast #fedi22
Writer, political analyst, comms consultant. I mainly tweet on UK, Israeli, US and world politics, current affairs and technology. Contact [email protected]
Editor at New York Times Opinion, California loyalist, hater of the word "chillax." She/her.
Journalistin & Autorin | Fokus: Hass im Netz, Desinformation, digitale Gesellschaft | Meine Bücher:
Rédactrice en chef adjointe #ScienceetVie hors-série. Née en 335 ppm. M2 Médias et Climat 2022-23 @UnivParisSaclay @ESJLille. Passée par @SciencesPo_Tlse
Moitié d'ici, mitad de ahí 🇫🇷🇪🇸
Non-fiction advisor to ALLi. Founder Bold Authors, writer, carer + love this planet & its itty bitty beings.
Author of Look - It's Your Book! for non-fiction writers (Australian Society of Authors' recommended reading); Small Farm Success Australia; Honey Farm Dreaming. Words in the The Guardian & SMH. Founder of Bold Authors. ALLi, SPN, ASA.
Love books, bees, turmeric, midyim berries, Hovenia dulcis, solar cooking, the fam & the big wide fam. Living on beautiful Birpai land.