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Career actor turned writer. Early 80s Doctor Who script editor and writer, now IT journalist. Publishes Tested Technology
I write about law, democracy, and the internet. I'm a senior editor at Lawfare, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a contributing writer at The Atlantic. Other words in other places.
I torture security software programs and write about their suffering.
Journalist/Writer. Author of Alternatives To Valium: How Punk Rock Saved a Shy Boy’s Life (Polygon). Write about music for Uncut. West Ham fan.
Editor in Chief, CNET. Big fan of science & the Constitution. #JournalismMatters
I'm a reporter with The Washington Post's Visual Forensics Team. You can follow me here or on Twitter.
Writer, journalist writing for SBS, The Guardian, SMH and others. My first book 'The Matchmaker' is out via Penguin Australia in Feb 2023.
Group Live Editor @ National World PLC / BCU & Staffs Uni journalism alumni / Cat mum / Based in Stoke-on-Trent, UK
Journalistic lecturer & PhD student at University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Focusing on how #DigitalTechnologies influence the way we do journalism and how digital journalism functions in a modern #democracy.
My research interests are #InternetCulture #DigitalCulture and how it affects #journalism – how we keep the #PublicConversation good and enlightened.
I also teach hands on journalism eg. #osint and #datajournalism.
My favourite dinosaur is a stegosaurus.
editor of Annals of Improbable Research, organizer of the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony. I write about research (and other stuff) that makes people LAUGH then THINK.
Brussels based Hungarian journalist. News junkie. Works @nepszava. Lives in Leuven. @eublogo on Twitter
Writer, critic, author, podcaster
Angry feminist. Lifelong depressive.
Debut memoir, LIFE B (May 2023, Counterpoint).
Host of "Missing Pages" podcast.
Birdsite: @TheBookMaven.
Reviews and other work: LA Times Books, Publishers Weekly, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, etc.
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Health reporter and coordinating producer for polling for PBS NewsHour, mom x 2, Mississippi expat. Tips? lsanthanam at newshour dot org Views=Me
LA Times reporter covering California with a focus on wildfires, drought and climate change.