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Houston’s home for news, culture and conversation. Chron, a free digital news site, is Hearst owned and run independently from the Houston Chronicle.
כתב עבודה באתר החדשות דבר, חבר תנועת דרור ישראל, ויקיפד, אספרנטיסט.
ציוני-סוציאליסט 🌹🇮🇱
ברשת המתחרה פייסבוק:
jounalist of, the newspaper of Israeli biggest union the Histadrut. covering labour issues: workers rights, isindustrial disputes, strikes, unionisation e.c. writing mostly in Hebrew.
mia esperanta konto ĉe: @Nicjo
#hebrew #israel #journalist #labour #tradeunions #communalism #fedi22
Writer. Journalist. Raconteur.
I live in Cape May, New Jersey, USA, where I write about politics, culture, science, history, religion and travel. I look a bit like if Hagrid ate Harry. I hate bullies no matter what side they’re on. I'm kind, until you push me. Three kids. Seven grands. Running out of fucks.
Phillies. Eagles. Liverpool.
Pizzaiolo Extraordinaire.
Publisher of four @medium pubs: Ellemeno, Rome,, Hopping Frog Studios, and A Bit Dodgy.
Signal: dtm.13
tech reporter, houston biz journal | interested in climate and enviro work! | nj ➡ ny ➡ nc ➡ pa ➡ tx | ✉: [email protected]
I do my best to popularize digital stuff that MATTERS. See how and how to support me at
I also write on commission, about a variety of digital topics. To hire me, please email [email protected]
Director, editorial data & analytics at Foundry (an IDG company). Author of Practical R for Mass Communication & Journalism. A bit #RStats obsessed.
Write about R & #QuartoPub for Foundry sites #InfoWorld and #Computerworld. She.
Other interests include #Photography #DigitialDarkroom #Running #Bicycling #Crochet Learning #ASL
Was @sharon000 on Twitter (not currently active)
I ask senators questions in hallways for
Bloomberg. #FridayNightZillow & #CheapZillow for fun. Opinions mine. RTs ≠. Email: [email protected]. Twitter/Instagram: @steventdennis
Investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker covering #corruption, #disinformation and #humanrights. Middle East & Africa specialist.
Journalist på Sydsvenskan i Lund.
Här i egenskap av mig själv.
Senaste boken:
Landet som vaknade – berättelser från Ukraina.
Joskus suomeksikin.
VP of native content/director of the Entrepreneur Partner Studio. Husband, father, traveler, media addict, gelastic. Red Sox fan. Emerson College alum.
austin-based journalist covering the EV market for bloomberg
prev: biz/tech reporter for the statesman
Twitter: @karacarlson2
«La teología es una reflexión sobre la fe, y la fe lo que tiene que hacer es movilizar a las personas para cambiar.» (Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino)
RVA-based journalist covering #MoneyInPolitics at @opensecrets | Past lives: News21, Peace Corps Armenia | Québécois + American
Recovering nomad, Bali-based Brit, writer for business and pleasure. Quite green, increasingly bendy. @THJSutcliffe on the bird site. Follow me at:
Broad-minded #media for all.
#Reporting & #analysis on politics, policy, culture and more. Based in the United States. Support women-led independent #journalism.
You can support our work by becoming a member here:
Authentic Frontier Gibberish
Been a Mac guy forever. Wrote many things for many venues; it made me think first and type later.
Medizinjournalistin. Frei. Medizin. Ethik. Gesundheit.
Ich verteile hier viele Tröts meiner Herzensprojekte @RiffReporter @Krautreporter
Verfallszeit Tröts: 4 Wochen
Teilzeit WiMi im Bt / schreibt bei nd.Der Tag / / queer und ne ganze Menge anderes. Hier alles zusammen. Job + Privat. Warum auch nicht? (Foto Bundestag/Inga Haar) Threema: CE4586UW
Make: #Journalist | Model: Investigative interdisciplinarian, ethics-driven freak in the spreadsheets | Current: Weird #science for |
Priors: CNET, AP, BBC, NPR, et al | Fulbrighter and Hon. #Kentucky Colonel | #LouMedia | Mail: [email protected]
Lured by: Pinball, protest, mechanical delights and digital rights
Weak against: Cavalier FOIA appeals, Copy Desk spellcraft, and beautiful horses with terrible odds.
Professor. Formerly @ Johns Hopkins, Dartmouth, UC Davis. Published first ever research on Internet Addiction and Dependency (1996). Scholar in media and terrorism rhetorics.
Editor. Veteran newsman. Futurist. Independent. Believer.
🇺🇦 🇮🇱