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Born in Rockland County, New York, late in the Eisenhower years. Articulate since soon thereafter, curious always. Ever trying to make sense out of the blooming buzzing confusion around me.
I am working as freelance professional sports photographer. I am a member of AIPS and My preferred sports are tennis, alpine ski, and athletics.
FREELANCE JOURNALISM: The Hollywood Reporter, Demcast, ABC 20/20, ABC Nightline, KABC Eye on LA, WiRed, Los Angeles Times, Broadcasting & Cable, Winning Campaigns
BOOKS: The New News (2020), Media Management, (2014), Digital Rights Management (2009), Content Management Systems (2008), Brave New TV (1999)
AWARDS: San Diego Press Club (Best Magazine Article), Los Angeles Press Club (2nd place, Best Magazine Article), Emmy nomination
Cable Industry Book Award.
Mark is a radio producer, writer and photographer based in Minneapolis, with experience telling stories from everything from a history of Milwaukee beer ads to processing death through game development.
Journalist. Nachrichtenredakteur. Sprecher. Etwas Pädagogik. Ur-Berliner. #Loriot und Gedöns. Herausgeber im #Duden-Verlag. Erklärbär in der Fachzeitschrift @journ_online (@DJV). Mitgründer der „@Floskelwolke“. Sachbuchautor im #Piper-Verlag. Des Öfteren journalistischer Projektleiter. Ich gebe Workshops, halte Vorträge zu Sprache & Journalismus – und ich unterstütze bei der Übersetzung von #Mastodon ins Deutsche. Mehr zu mir in der verlinkten Vita.
Broad-minded #media for all.
#Reporting & #analysis on politics, policy, culture and more. Based in the United States. Support women-led independent #journalism.
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I am an African American, Chicagoland based independent journalist, writer and researcher with a progressive outlook. I was born and raised in Upper East Tennessee — both sides of my family have deep roots in the rural South. Pronouns: she/her/hers Profile image description: Avatar of brown skinned female with black hair. Banner image description: Sleek luxury pink car possibly from 1920s or 1930s. #sustainability #culture #equity #Chicago #Tennessee #BlackMastodon #journalism
Investigative journalist based in the US covering the Christian right and right-wing extremism. Author, Unholy. Columnist, MSNBC. Contributor, TPM. Columnist for Moment magazine.
Car Journalist, Podcaster and Ubiquiti Content Creator. Find my work at HostiFi, @theinterface, @chargingstatus, @creatorspotlight and @uichatpodcast
Medizinjournalistin. Frei. Medizin. Ethik. Gesundheit.
Lebt in #Marburg. Schwärmt von #London #Literatur und #Yoga. Liebt britischen #Humor und mag menschliche Macken. Steht auf #Realsatire und sitzt oft zwischen allen Stühlen.
Ich verteile hier viele Tröts meiner Herzensprojekte @riffreporter und @Krautreporter
Verfallsdatum Tröts: 4 Wochen
Former science/tech writer/reporter for #Newsweek/Popular Computing/#MacWorld/etc. Long-time #Apple developer, database programmer, and incorrigible geek. Now a late-night sys admin and tech investor. (Twitter investor. Yes, really.)
Trustee, NEHGS. Governor, SCWFL. Member, SoC, SR, HODCG, CLOM, SNS.
producer, npr politics podcast; occasionally other things at the network. often posting about soccer
Twitter Refugee. Contributing Writer, Freelance writer with 33 years of #sports media experience. Longtime Philadelphia Eagles fan. Independent thinker. Uncle of 3, married to none.
Dad, husband, sports and music fan who edits things for The Globe and Mail 🇨🇦 🏀 🎶
Phil Italiano
Publisher, SCREW
Founded in 1968 by Al Goldstein, SCREW was once called "America's Most Notorious Magazine" by the New York Times. We were both poster child and punching bag for the First Amendment through the 70s and 80s.
#freespeech #freepress #humor #porn #sex #review #satire #parody #nsfw
Writer at SB Nation’s Over the Monster | Data Analyst @ Northeastern | [email protected] is my better half.
📧 [email protected]
Welcome to Flipboard’s celebration of creativity and visual culture. Focused mostly on art and photography picks, we’re curating imagery that makes you think and/or revel in its interestingness.
#Photography #Art #MastoArt #DigitalArt #FediArt
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Header photo: Silhouette of young woman standing against illuminated and colourful bokeh lights background in the city at night
Photographer/Photojournalist, & activist. Interconnectedness, & Revolutionary, Radical Love.
Trans/enby, Neurodivergent w/disabilities, living in poverty
They/them :flag_trans:
Wahre Stärke liegt nicht im Überwinden, sondern im geschickten Ignorieren